Be still, be silent!
You have been taken hostage

Read carefully and you will not be harmed!
Had this been an actual capture the following actions would have taken place:
1) Your capture would be recorded as a hit and added to a counter. For every two hits, this counter sends out a command to place the following banner on an external page somewhere on the Web.
2) You would have been given the choice to read the information surrounding the fight or leave. In shame. And in fear. Your hit would be recorded and counted regardless of your actions the instant you arrived at the real Hostage Holding Center.
The real Hostage Holding Center was available to "tour" to anyone who visited TRN within the first few weeks of the fight. It is now off limits to the casual viewer.
TRN instated a program known within Resistance circles as the "Banner Hijack." It was inspired by the original etoy digital.HIJACK which took place what seems like a very long time ago.
The TRN banner hijack was setup up to serve out ad banners (and they are still circulating!) on a widely popular ad exchange service. For every two hits the original Hostage page took, one of our banners went out on a web page that used the ad sevice. We logged over 12,000 hits to the Hostage Center in the first two days.
Regardless of what action the user took when they reached the Center, the visit was recorded as a hit. It was beauty.
trn.HONORS -
note: TRN is in no way affiliated with any organization mentioned on this or other pages contained in what is perceived to be "our" website unless otherwise mentioned.
note 2: TRN is in no way responsible for any harm, conceptual, conceived, virtual or "real" and can NOT be held responsible for any acts of crime, vengeance, or revenge committed by any person visiting this site. period. if you are an e-commerce business mentioned on this site and something happens to your e-commerce stock, blame your lawyers.