toywar resistance network

TRN Thanx all of you for supporting the e-blockade against!
You can still click here to sign the Slowdown group petition (what the hell, why stop now?)
Our goals have been accomplished. It was a hard task and all of you who joined in did so well!
e-blockade information was as follows...
- DO NOT buy anything from
- DO NOT purchase mutual funds containing eToys stock/shares
- DO NOT purchase eToys stock/shares
- TRN advises writing the following persons to let them know that this lawsuit is unacceptable and you will not be purchasing products from their site, their stock,
mutual funds including their stock and that you will suggest the same to your family, friends, co-workers and local media.
- DO write the CEO of eToys
- DO write the VP of Communications of eToys
- DO write the PR Manager of eToys
- DO write Investor Relations of eToys
- TRN advises writing the following persons to let them know about the eToys vs. etoy lawsuit and that you do not find t acceptable that a giant corporation should be able to smack around
a smaller group on baseless issues and that your further do not approve of the WASTE of YOUR tax dollars in doing so.
- DO write your local media (TV, radio and/or print)
- DO write the Secratary of Sate of California
- DO write the Attorney General of California
- TRN advises the following actions to further enable the e-blockade
- DO link to TRN
- DO discuss in public (chat, IRC, "reality," email) the lawsuit, e-blockade and the effects of corporate greed and unethical business practice by
link to TRN -
link to us at and you may freely use and distribute the following images...
contact TRN -
email us at
trn.HONORS -
note: TRN is in no way affiliated with any organization mentioned on this or other pages contained in what is perceived to be "our" website unless otherwise mentioned.
note 2: TRN is in no way responsible for any harm, conceptual, conceived, virtual or "real" and can NOT be held responsible for any acts of crime, vengeance, or revenge committed by any person visiting this site. period. if you are an e-commerce business mentioned on this site and something happens to your e-commerce stock, blame your lawyers.